Monday, March 3, 2008

Dodd Endorses Obama

Although he is now busier than ever in Congress trying to promote economic stimulus bills and oppose wiretapping immunity, Chris Dodd still has time to keep a foot in the race for the Democratic nomination. On Wednesday, Chris Dodd decided to endorse Senator Barack Obama for president, becoming the first former presidential candidate to formally endorse someone. Although Dodd admitted he was unsure of Obama’s abilities in the incipient phases of the race, he now feels that Obama is “ready to be president.” Dodd gave his endorsement remarks in Cleveland, Ohio, where Obama was currently campaigning leading up the crucial primaries on March 4th. He spoke at a press conference, where he voiced many of his ideas about the campaign, worrying that the Democratic voters are lacking a figure to rally around because of the drawn out struggle between Obama and Clinton. Dodd said that he chose Obama because “he believes Barack Obama is uniquely qualified to help us face this housing crisis, create good jobs, strengthen America's families in this 21st century global economy, unite the world against terrorism and end the war in Iraq -- and perhaps more importantly, call the American people to shared service and sacrifice.” After speaking eloquently on Obama’s behalf, Chris Dodd went on to crusade for other causes later the same week—trying to alleviate the foreclosure crisis and “restoring the confidence of consumers and investors in our economy.”

*Accidentally posted by Caroline A on the Keyes Blog on March 1st at 7:05 PM