Monday, December 10, 2007

Chris Dodd Update 12/2-9/07

Like the other Democratic presidential candidates, Dodd spent the week campaigning in Iowa in preparation for the upcoming caucus. Dodd spoke at several events early in the week, and made an appearance on CNN’s Late Edition. On Tuesday, he participated in the NPR Debate in Des Moines.

Dodd reacted to the week’s big news story, an NIE report finding Iran had abandoned its nuclear weapons program. Dodd was optimistic, stating that “taken together these findings make a strong case for pursuing robust diplomacy to resolve our differences with Iran and for an end to the reckless talk by the Administration and reckless votes by some members of Congress.” The same day, he reacted angrily to reports that the President is asking congress for half of the funding for states and cities to prevent terrorists attacks recommended by the Department of Homeland Security, calling it “astounding that at the same time the President is calling for more money for his war that has made this country more vulnerable, he is proposing to slash funding for the first line of defense here at home.”

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