Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The hour is nigh!

With the Iowa caucuses less than 24 hours away, Dodd has neither surged nor trailed behind in the polls, but he is still in an almost dead heat for last place. A December 31st poll by the Des Moines Register showed Dodd at about 2%, but the accompanying article also notes that the senator has maintained fairly constant support, while his closes competition, Richardson and Biden, have slipped in the last week. In his sprint to the finish, Dodd launched a new television ad in Iowa, titled "Together". In the ad, he touts his years of experience and his record of reconciling differences between Democrats and Republicans. For now, Dodd is aiming to finish 4th and guaranteeing himself a spot in Saturday's debate in New Hampshire. However, a poor showing in the caucus could force Dodd to withdraw from the race.

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