Friday, January 4, 2008

Dodd Discards Democratic Nominee Dreams

Chris Dodd, after a long and tireless battle for the presidency, has decided to withdraw from the fight for the Democratic presidential nomination. Even though Dodd had aired numerous new television ads and continued his campaign across Iowa at an intensified pace of “28 events in 26 cities over five days,” he still didn’t manage to secure the fourth place spot he was vying for. By garnering .04% of the votes of the 2,500 delegates present, Dodd did not qualify to move on to the debates. However, even though he has withdrawn, his name will still appear on the ballot for the Michigan presidential primary.
After the Iowa caucus, in a speech directed toward his supporters, he observed that “ we didn’t get the result we all were hoping for, but even so, this experience has been one of the most rewarding in my life of public service.” He went on to give his formal withdrawal, saying “I am withdrawing from the Presidential race. But let me assure you, we do not exit this race with our heads hanging- rather we do so with our heads held high.” In his speech, he then went on to thank his family, supporters, and the members of his campaign, the “Dodd Squad.” He then continued that he would support whoever wins the presidential nomination for the Democratic Party. Dodd plans to return with his family from where they have been stationed in Iowa back to his home in East Haddam, Connecticut on Saturday.

1 comment:

CindyB said...

As Dodd announces his withdrawal from the Democratic race, it will be interesting to see which candidate (if one) he endorses. Will he endorse Obama, Hillary, or another candidate? Furthermore, does Dodd plan to run in 2012, or has he given up completely?