Friday, January 25, 2008

Dodd is Out but not Down

Over the last weeks since withdrawing from the presidential race, Chris Dodd has returned to life in Congress and East Haddam, Connecticut. Like his fellow Congressman Joe Biden, Dodd held a press conference during his first week back in Congress, mostly to discuss his new goals for the remainder of the legislative session. However, Dodd does have some remaining business to attend to. He recently sent out an email to his supporters and has been soliciting since for campaign donations, writing “We could not have waged the ideas based campaign and raised over $15M without you. Unfortunately, we do have a debt to retire and I am grateful for your support.” Once he has these financial follies out of the way, Dodd will be able to focus his full attention on furthering his Congressional agenda. He has decided to begin his re-entrance into congressional politics by filibustering AT&T and Verizon’s attempt to gain retroactive immunity for their involvement in the “warrantless wiretapping program.” Dodd also has other plans in mind. As the head of the Senate Banking Committee, he has planned to have “the government to set up a company backed by an initial $10 bil to $20 bil to buy distressed mortgages and provide lower-balance fixed mortgages to homeowners facing foreclosure.” Since he has presumably spent so much of his current attention fixed on Senate matters, he has not publicly endorsed a presidential candidate.

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