Sunday, February 10, 2008

Wednesday, Senator Dodd (Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee) had meet with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernake to discuss the mortgage crisis and the actions taken to rectify the situation. Thursday Sen. Dodd met with Shelia Blair, the chair women of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, to discuss her opinion. Sen. Dodd also plan to meet with each member of the Senate Banking Committee to discuss their ideas, their plans of action they take to solve the crisis. At the moment Sen. Dodd states the best course of action would be a short-term stimulus package and then planning longer-term solutions. There is speculation the Dodd may be nominate for Vice President, especially after Sen. Obama's remark about seeking Dodd's counsel if elected president.
On Bush's remark about the delaying of the conformations of his nominees, Sen. Dodd stated that the economy must first be fixed and then the nominees will be tested about their views. In an alternate solution to public works (The decaying infrastructure of America ), Sen. Dodd has proposed the creation of an independent National Infrastructure Bank which project seeking grants of at least 75 million would submit to to be judged- though existing projects, earmarks and grants would not be affected by this bank.

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