Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dodd Remains Busy...

This week, Senator Dodd has been working on a number of bills, and still managing to find the time to give interviews about the battle for the Democratic nomination. As of last Thursday, Dodd has been pushing for changes in the Act he helped create over 10 years ago, the Family Medical Leave Act. Although getting the act passed then was a triumph in itself, Dodd now plans to re-vamp it, saying that it’s reforms don’t extend as far as he’d like. In his most prominent change to the legislation, he wants to include a section that would give paid leave to workers who have encountered difficulties on the job and are unable to return to work. In finance, Dodd has also been making waves, with a new plan co-authored with Representative Barney Frank that according to CNN, outlines an idea where over “$300 billion in loan guarantees from the Federal Housing Administration to refinance loans that homeowners can't afford as long as the original lender reduces the principal on the loan to 85% of the home's current market value.” Finally, Dodd gave an interview at the end of last week where he weighed in about the fight between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination, saying that they’ve “got to wrap this up. You let it go any longer than that, and you run the risk of doing such damage that the nomination won't be worth much."

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