Monday, April 21, 2008

The econom and Dodd

Last Friday Sen. Dodd has voiced his concern about Bush's pick about President Bush"s pick for the new Sectary of Housing and Development, citing inexperience about housing as the reason for his concern. Thursday Sen Dodd stated that the only way to help the U.S. housing problem would to have large-scale government intervention and Sen. Dodd says that a deal must be made in the upcoming weeks if the Housing Crisis is to be solved. In the student-loan market Sen. Dodd testified before a senate hearing that providers of both Federally guaranteed loans and private have been pulling out from the market. Sen. Dodd has vowed to protect the student-loan market and has moved to make Federal Finance Banking funds available for said purpose. In hearings about flood insurance Sen. Dodd has opposed expansion to cover wind damage citing that the cost is too high to be practical Thursday Sen. Dodd received Holy Communion at Nationals Park during the Papal Mass.

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